Sunday, March 16, 2025

Announcing the Adventure-a-Thon!


Adventure-a-Thon Banner - Indiana Jones

Put on your safari hat and fasten your seatbelts, because Yours Truly and Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews are about to take you on an Adventure-a-Thon! What exactly is an Adventure-a-thon, and how can you take part in all the fun? Read on, dear friends…

Big Trouble in Little China

The Adventure-a-Thon is a three-day (plus) celebration of the somewhat all-inclusive term, “Adventure.” Whether you’re traversing the Sahara, discovering ancient artifacts, or exploring the ocean’s depths, adventure is where you find it. For the purpose of this blogathon, we’re using IMDB’s definition. As a result, any film or television show that carries the “Adventure” label on the IMDB website (almost 52,000 choices!) is fair game.

Start your search here:

Movies (including TV movies) 

TV (TV shows) 

The Descent

But wait… There’s more! In conjunction with the Adventure-a-Thon theme, one lucky blogathon participant will win [Redacted]. Watch for the Day 1 Update on May 2nd, for a complete list of contest rules. Please be aware: the contest is open to blogathon participants in the USA, Canada and Mexico only! 

What: The Adventure-a-Thon 

Who: Hosted by Yours Truly (Barry P.) and Gill Jacob 

Where: Cinematic Catharsis and Realweegiemidget Reviews 

When: May 2-4, 2025


The Hunt for Red October

How: Please read the rules below, and send me your post request (review, podcast, etc…) via email (, BlueSky (, Twitter/X (@barry_cinematic), Instagram (barry_cinematic), or by commenting below. You may also contact Gill by commenting on her post, or through her blog’s Contact Me page (Be sure to include a link to your blog, your blog’s title, and your preferred name). 

The Epic of Everest

The Rules… 

  1. You may review ANY film or TV show classified as “Adventure” on the IMDB website (see above for further details).
  2. Due to the large number of potential titles (nearly 52,000) for this topic, NO DUPLICATE MOVIE OR TV SHOW TITLES WILL BE ALLOWED. If a specific title has already been claimed, you may only include that title if it’s part of a list or retrospective review.
  3. Review choices may be requested as a comment on this page or you may contact me or Gill through the methods listed above.
  4. Add your BlueSky, Twitter/X or Instagram username so I can promote your post.
  5. A full list of blogs and review choices will be posted on a separate page (hosted by Gill), and updated regularly.
  6. Only original, never-before-published posts will be accepted.
  7. Limit TWO blog posts per participant, please.
  8. Please choose one of the banners below to display on your blog.
  9. Since Gill and I reside in two completely different time zones, please send a link of your post(s) to me and Gill on one of the days of the blogathon. Note: We will be publishing all links on both blogs, but due to the substantial time difference, your post might show up on a different day.
  10. The contest hosted by Barry is only open to blogathon participants in the USA, Canada or Mexico. If you wish to be considered for Barry’s contest, be sure to watch for the complete contest rules, which will be posted on the first day of the blogathon.
  11. Please also note: Gill and I have already claimed the following titles below: 

Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews – Half a Chance (aka: 1 Chance Sur 2) (1998) 

Barry at Cinematic Catharsis – Sorcerer (1977)


Adventure-a-Thon Banner - The African Queen

Adventure-a-Thon Banner - The Rocketeer

Adventure-a-Thon Banner - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Adventure-a-Thon Banner - Prey



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