Saturday, March 17, 2018

Announcing The Great Hammer-Amicus Blogathon

They said it couldn’t be done (and by “they,” I mean me). First there was the Golblumathon in 2014, followed by the Nature’s Fury Blogathon in 2016. Although my second blogathon was a big success, at least by my middling standards, I was reluctant to do a follow-up, and lapsed into semi-blogathon retirement. That is, until the great and powerful Gill Jacob of Realweegiemidget Reviews suggested teaming up, and how could I say no? One of my dream projects was hosting a Hammer blogathon, and Ms. Jacob raised the bar by suggesting we include Amicus as well. So, there you have it. Two amazing production companies, one blogathon. It’s like the old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups commercial – it’s two taste treats in one!

Not sure what to write about? In addition to reviews, we’d love to see posts about Hammer heroines, Amicus Anthologies, a retrospective of a group of works, director/actor profiles, etc… The subjects are practically endless. Participants may submit a link to a written post, YouTube video, or podcast. And remember, Hammer and Amicus were much more than horror, with sci-fi, comedies, suspense, mysteries, drama. We encourage you to dig deep into the Hammer and Amicus catalogs. The more obscure, the better.

You might ask, “Hey, Barry and Gill, I’m not very familiar with Hammer and Amicus. Do you have some examples of some of their movies?” We’re glad you asked. Here are just a few examples of titles from each respective production company:

Hammer: Horror of Dracula (1958), The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), The Abominable Snowman (1957), Cash on Demand (1961), The Vampire Lovers (1970), The Curse of the Werewolf (1961), The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959), The Devil Rides Out (1968), Scream of Fear (1961), Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966), and many more!

Amicus: Tales from the Crypt (1972), Scream and Scream Again (1970), The Skull (1965), Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. (1966), Torture Garden (1967), The House That Dripped Blood (1971), The Land that Time Forgot (1975), and the list goes on…

What: The Great Hammer-Amicus Blogathon

Who: Hosted by Gill Jacob and Yours, Truly (Barry P.)

Where: Realweegiemidget Reviews and Cinematic Catharsis

When: June 1-3

How: Please read the rules below, and send me your post request (review, podcast, etc…) via email (, Twitter (@barry_cinematic), or by commenting below. You may also contact Gill by commenting on her post, or through her blog’s Contact Me page. (Be sure to include your preferred name, along with your blog’s title).

Here are the rules…

1.     You may review ANY Hammer or Amicus film or TV show. Hammer and Amicus-related book reviews are fine.

2.     We will allow just one duplicate for each topic, movie, book or TV show.

3.     When responding, with your choice, be sure to add your Twitter handle or a link to your Facebook page so we can promote your post.

4.     A full list of blogs, podcasters and review choices will be posted on a separate page and updated regularly.

5.     Only original, never-before-published posts will be accepted.

6.     Send your link to your post/podcast/video to Gill and me during one of the days of the blogathon.

7.     Note: we will be publishing all the links on both blogs, with daily updates on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

8.     Please also note: Gill and I have already claimed the following the titles below. As a result, we will only accept one more review for each of these films (first come, first served).

Barry at Cinematic Catharsis – Hammer: Twins of Evil (1971); Amicus: Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)

Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews – Hammer: Children of the Moon (1980); Amicus: Asylum (1972)

(Remember, you don't have to choose one post from Hammer and one from Amicus You may do as many or as little as you like from each.)

One more thing:

If you plan to participate, or just want to show your support, please grab one of the following banners to display on your blog:


We can’t wait to see your submissions. Be creative, and above all, have fun!


  1. When I saw this one, I thought I might have to decline since, believe it or not, I don't have one single Hammer horror film in my collection. (not from a dislike of them, I just haven't seen any at the used store I frequent, but I do have a Hammer double feature film noir, which I reviewed last year.)

    I didn't recognize the Amicus name. But in your list of suggested titles you had "The Land that Time Forgot". I HAVE THAT! I would like to pair it as a double feature with "The People that Time Forgot", the sequel, also produced by Amicus.

    1. Hi there! That sounds perfect. I'll put you down for "The Land that Time Forgot" and "The People that Time Forgot." Thanks for joining. Looking forward to reading your review.

  2. If no one's called it yet, I'll stake a claim to THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT.

    1. One other blogger is reviewing The Land that Time Forgot, but we're allowing one duplicate per title. You got it. Thanks for participating!

    2. Tell you what, how 'bout I switch to WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH? Is that open?

    3. It's all yours. I'll go ahead and put you down for "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth."

  3. Seeing that I was one the set of "House of the Gorgon" last week with Hammer ladies Veronica Carlson, Caroline Munro, and Martine Beswicke, I might as well pick a film that features one of about "Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed"? This is Dan from The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog.

    1. Hi Dan. Welcome aboard! I'll put you down for "Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed."

  4. Hi Barry,
    Thanks for the invite, can you put me down for X the Unknown please

    1. Great movie! I'll add you to the roster. Thanks for joining!

  5. Hello Barry,

    I'd given up on blogathons, but can't resist submitting a few thoughts on DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE. If that's available then put me down for it.

    Once Upon a Screen -

    1. Hi Aurora. It's all yours! Honored to have you aboard.

  6. Hi Barry, anybody gone for Dracula yet? Would like to compare with Stoker's novel. @Ksturton Blog name - A Scunner Darkly

    1. Hi Kevin. Believe it or not, you're the first to request it. It's all yours. Thanks for joining.

  7. Barry,

    I would love to do the Mummy (1959) if it's still available.



  8. My blog post on Kronos (1974) is up!

    1. Thanks for participating Terry! I'll post your link tonight.


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