Friday, March 29, 2024

The Mismatched Couples Blogathon – Day 1 Recap

The Mismatched Couples Blogathon Banner

Welcome, one and all, to Day One of the Mismatched Couples Blogathon, a three-day-plus celebration of two characters who go together like oil and water (but shake ‘em up and see what happens!). We have ten wonderful posts for your perusal, and I can’t wait to see what the next two days bring.

Beauty and the Beast

Before we look at those, I’d like to give a hearty shout out to my cohost with the most, Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews for always lending an ear regarding my cockamamie ideas for blogathons (like this one) and being a constant source of positivity and encouragement. Cheers!

The Thing with Two Heads

If you’ve signed up, but your post isn’t quite ready (present company included), we’ll feature it on Day Two or Day Three. Latecomers are also welcome (just drop us a line). Post a comment below, email me at, or DM me on Twitter (@barry_cinematic). You may also contact Gill by commenting on her post, or through her blog’s Contact Me page.


But enough of my blabbing. Here are the posts from Day 1…

What Happens Later Poster

Dan from Crimson Kimono sits a spell with Bill and Willa from What Happens Later (2023). 

The Odd Couple Poster

Andrew from The Stop Button spends some quality time with Oscar and Felix from The Odd Couple (1968). 

A Boy and His Dog Poster

Quiggy at The Midnite Drive-in roams the post-apocalyptic wasteland with Vic and Blood in A Boy and His Dog (1975). 

Yancy Derringer

Kurt from Forgotten Cinema reminds us about the unlikely pairing of Derringer and Pahoo in Yancy Derringer (1958-1959).  

Enemy Mine Poster

John at UK Film Nerd visits with frenemies Davidge and Drac from Enemy Mine (1985). 


The Golden Spiders

Terence of A Shroud of Thoughts shares his thoughts about Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin in The Golden Spiders: A Nero WolfeMystery (2000). 

Johnny Stool Pigeon Poster

Ruth from Silver Screenings tells all in her review of Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949). 

Devil Doll Poster

Brian of Films from Beyond looks at the tender story of a man and his dummy in Devil Doll (1964). 

Harry O Poster

Mitchell from It’s About TV discusses Harry Orwell and Lt. Trench of Harry O. (1974-1976). 


Fallen Leaves Poster

And Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews introduces us to Ansa and Hoppola in the Finnish Oscar-nominated charmer, Fallen Leaves (aka: Kuolleet Lehdet) (2023). 


  1. Hi Barry, here his my article for the blogathon. I submitted yesterday on Gill’s post but it’s still pending…

    Anyway, thanks a lot for hosting!

    Virginie, The Wonderful World of Cinema

    1. Hi, there! I'll be sure to add a link to your post for tonights "Day 2" recap. Thanks so much for joining! :)

  2. Hi Barry, my take on Herbert West and Dan Cain as a mismatched couple is now up at Have also commented on Gill’s post. Many thanks, Mary

    1. Ooh... Looking forward to reading this! Thanks so much for joining the blogathon, Mary. I'll add a link to your post tonight! :)

  3. Hi Barry, my take on Herbert West and Dan Cain as a mismatched couple is now live at Have also commented on Gill’s post. Thanks for the opportunity to join in the fun! Mary

    1. Thanks again for joining, Mary!

    2. Apologies for the duplicate posting, my internet was acting up and I wasn’t sure if anything had gone through OK!


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