Thursday, February 20, 2020

Announcing The Vincent Price Blogathon

It had to happen. You knew it was inevitable. You just didn’t know where it was coming from or when it would occur. Without additional fanfare, I, along with blogging partner extraordinaire Gill Jacob of Realweegiemidget Reviews, proudly present The Vincent Price Blogathon. We hope to showcase, with your help, all things wild, wonderful and (yes), wacky about this true Renaissance man.

Aside from a handful of contemporaries, few would dispute his position as the reigning crown prince of horror, but his career has spanned multiple genres, and encompassed a multitude of interests that went far beyond the silver screen. You don’t have to restrict your topic to movies. Feel free to explore virtually any aspect of Mr. Price’s amazing life, including his work on the stage, numerous TV appearances, voiceover work, cookbooks, and philanthropic efforts. Oh, and don’t let the “blog” in blogathon scare you. We will happily accept submissions from your podcast, YouTube channel, Facebook/Instagram post, public restroom scrawlings (okay, maybe not); wherever your Vincent Price muse takes you. Surprise us!

Not sure where to start? You can find a list of Mr. Price’s movies here

Still stumped for a topic? Feel free to reach out and bounce your idea off us. We won’t bite (much)!

What: The Vincent Price Blogathon

Who: Hosted by Gill Jacob and Yours, Truly (Barry P.)

Where: Realweegiemidget Reviews and Cinematic Catharsis

When: April 17-19, 2020

How: Please read the rules below, and send me your post request (review, podcast, etc…) via email (, Twitter (@barry_cinematic), or by commenting below. You may also contact Gill by commenting on her post, or through her blog’s Contact Me page. (Be sure to include your preferred name, along with your blog’s title).

NOTE: Find an updated list of participants here.

Here are the rules…

1.     You can review ANY of his films or TV shows. Or if you want to review books or topics about him that’s fine with us as well.
2.     We will allow just one duplicate review for each topic/title (movie, book or TV show). If a specific title has already been claimed twice, you may only include that title if it’s part of a list or retrospective review. If you choose to write about Vincent Price, tell us what your topic will be. We won’t accept posts which are uncomplimentary or disrespectful to him.
3.     Review choices can be added as a comment on this page or you may contact me through the methods listed above.
4.     Add your Twitter username so we can promote your post.
5.     A full list of blogs and review choices will be posted on a separate page and updated regularly.
6.     Only original, never-before-published posts will be accepted.
7.     Send a link of your post link to Gill or me on one of the days of the blogathon.
8.     Note: We will be publishing all links on both blogs, each day of the blogathon.
9.     Please also note: Gill and I have already claimed the following titles below. As a result, we will only accept ONE more review for each of these films (first come, first served).

Barry at Cinematic Catharsis – Dragonwyck (1946)

Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews – Theatre of Blood (1973)

One more thing:

If you plan to participate, or just want to show your support, please grab one of the following banners to display on your blog:



We can’t wait to see your submissions. Be creative, and above all, have fun!


  1. Hey Barry, this is a fab idea! Can you put me down for "Curtain Call at Cactus Creek" (1950), if not already taken?

    1. Hi there! It's all yours. Glad to have you aboard! :)

  2. Hi! Is it still on? Love it - love Vincent as well!

    1. Well, the blogathon is long gone, but all the links to the contributions should still be here to enjoy. Watch for the Hammer/Amicus Blogathon IV next month! :)


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