Friday, December 1, 2023

The Hammer-Amicus Blogathon IV is Here! Day 1 Recap


Hammer-Amicus Blogathon Banner - Torture Garden

Welcome to the first day of the Hammer-Amicus Blogathon! My co-host Gill (from Realweegiemidget Reviews) and I were blown away by the number of signups (35!), which only proves (after a one-year hiatus with Hammer-Amicus) that absence truly makes the heart grow fonder. We’ve got something for everyone in Day One’s posts, but first, some housekeeping…

The Hound of the Baskervilles

If you plan to participate but you’re not quite ready, never fear, we’ll post your link on days two or three (and rumor has it there could be a fourth bonus day for the fashionably late). Post a comment below, email me at, Twitter (@barry_cinematic), Instagram (barry_cinematic), or by commenting below. You may also contact Gill by commenting on her post, or through her blog’s Contact Me page.


Be sure to watch out for tomorrow’s batch of posts. Enjoy!


Hammer Film Productions


The Plague of the Zombies Poster

Forget calling an Uber. Join Terence Towles Canote as he takes The Devil Rides Out (1968) for a spin.    

Madhouse Poster

You’d have to be daffy to pass on Kristina’s (from Speakeasy) review of Madhouse (1974). 


The Vampire Lovers

Virginia DeBolt from Old Ain’t Dead considers The VampireLovers (1970).  


The Plague of the Zombies

Andrew Wickliffe from The Stop Button entrances us with his take on The Plague of the Zombies (1966).  

The Psychopath 

Joey from The Last Drive-In invites us to spend a night with The Psychopath (1966).  


Bad Blonde Poster

Man Bait Poster

Quiggy from The Midnite Drive-In serves us a delectable double feature of Hammer noir, with Bad Blonde (1953) and Man Bait (aka: The Last Page) (1952). 


Taste the Blood of Dracula - Ralph Bates

The one and only Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews discusses Ralph Bates’ career at Hammer (including an introduction by actress Judy Matheson). 



An Amicus Production

The Terrornauts Poster

Space out with Greg Wilcox from Destroy All Fanboys as he explores The Terrornauts (1967). 



  1. Yay, thanks as always for joining me as my partnr in crime in our on off quest to entice bloggers to post on every Amicus movie in all our blogathons added together. Looking forward to next years topics already and got my choices ready...

    1. It's always a pleasure! Every blogathon is filled with treasures and surprises, and this one is no exception. Can't wait to see what next year's blogathons bring. :)

  2. Here it is my contribution:

  3. Wonderful! Thanks for joining. I'll add the link to tonight's recap! :)


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