(1961) Directed by Cy Endfield; Written by John Prebble, Daniel
B. Ullman and Crane Wilbur; Based on the novel by Jules Verne; Starring: Michael
Craig, Joan Greenwood, Michael Callan, Gary Merrill, Beth Rogan and Herbert Lom
Available on Blu-ray and DVD
Rating: ***½
“The original script for Mysterious Island was merely
how to survive on a desert island…It was a wonderful Jules Verne story to read,
but it was definitely dated, and in order to keep an audience in the theater
for an hour and a half, we had to inject certain elements that we felt from the
experience in making 7th Voyage (of Sinbad) were very
necessary to Mysterious Island.” – Ray Harryhausen (excerpt from 2002

At one time, the world seemed to be a much bigger place, with
unexplored corners waiting to be discovered for the first time. Now that satellites
have mapped every square inch and you can reach virtually any point of the
globe within a day, it’s harder to believe that some uncharted isle exists, untouched
by humans, where giant creatures roam. Harder perhaps, but not impossible, if
you’re Ray Harryhausen and producer Charles H. Schneer. Jules Verne’s sequel to
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was filmed at least twice before, starting
with a 2-strip Technicolor hybrid silent/talkie (1929), starring Lionel
Barrymore, followed by a 1951 serial with Richard Crane. Columbia’s 1961
version provided another chance for Harryhausen to work his stop-motion wizardry.
The studio footage was lensed at Shepperton Studios, while the “island” footage*
was shot on location in Spain (where 1957’s The 7th Voyage of
Sinbad was also filmed).
* Fun Fact #1: Before settling on the Spanish coast, Harryhausen
traveled to the Caribbean to scout out possible filming locations for the film.
Trinidad, Tobago and islands surrounding Cuba were among the locations considered.
The film opens at the tail end of the Civil War, in a
Confederacy stockade, where a group of Union prisoners plot their escape. The
prisoners, led by Captain Cyrus Harding (Michael Craig) and war correspondent Gideon
Spilitt (Gary Merrill), take off in a stolen balloon. After being cast adrift
for days over the open ocean, they manage to crash land their damaged craft on
the eponymous island. Soon after, they’re joined by shipwreck survivors Lady
Mary Fairchild and her niece Elena (Joan Greenwood and Beth Rogan). Together,
they endeavor to tame the chaotic landscape, fighting off hostile creatures and
raiding pirates. But little do they suspect that their movements are under the
watchful eye of an unseen individual.

Naturally, it wouldn’t be a Harryhausen film without the requisite
menagerie of stop-motion animated wonders.* A fight with a giant crab ** and a
giant flightless bird (Phorusrhacos)*** are suitably engaging. One of the most
spectacular sequences depicts soldier Herbert Brown (Michael Callan) and Elena,
as they’re sealed into a honeycomb cell by an over-industrious bee. When
considering the bulk of the effects master’s work, one creature that doesn’t
get mentioned nearly enough is a gargantuan sea monster, the Nautiloid
Cephalopod, a monstrous version of a chambered nautilus. Perhaps the best (uncredited)
special effect, however, is Callan’s pompadour, which manages to stay perfect
throughout his considerable cinematic ordeals (I suppose it’s best to suspend
one’s disbelief, rather than speculate where he kept his constant supply of
* Fun Fact #2: Among sequences that were planned but never
filmed were a man-eating plant and a mechanical digging device built by Nemo.
** Fun Fact #3: If the crab appears lifelike, it’s because
Harryhausen used a real crab, cleaned out, with a metal armature inside
(created by his father), for the animated sequences. In the Blu-ray commentary,
Harryhausen stated that he purchased the crab from Harrods department store in
London. In addition, six live crabs were reportedly utilized for close-ups, and
subsequently eaten by the crew (Talk about playing with your food!).
** Fun Fact #4: According to Harryhausen, the crew used a
cardboard cutout to create the shadow of the giant bird, when it first makes its
Arguably, no one watches a Ray Harryhausen movie for the performances,
but Herbert Lom is memorable as Verne’s enigmatic genius inventor/avenger of
war, Captain Nemo.* Although he doesn’t show up until more than two-thirds of
the way in, he makes his entrance in spectacular fashion. Compared to James
Mason in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, he had far less screen time to
establish his character, but he makes those minutes count, conveying a brooding,
time-worn Nemo with a fatalistic streak. Lom lends a quiet gravitas, which
ranks among the best realizations of the character.
* Fun Fact #5: It’s difficult to fathom (pun intentional)
the film without Captain Nemo, but an early version of the script by Ken Kolb
omitted the character.

Mysterious Island may not have quite the same polished
level of visual splendor of Disney’s lavish 1954 production of 20,000Leagues Under the Sea, but it mostly succeeds, thanks to Harryhausen’s idiosyncratic
creations, and Bernard Herrmann’s rousing score. Instead of copying Disney’s version
of Nemo’s submarine The Nautilus, Harryhausen went back to the drawing board,
interpreting Verne’s original descriptions. The final result compares favorably
to Disney’s version, credibly reflecting something that could have been constructed
in the 1800s.* The interior sets are a bit of a mixed bag. The ship’s main
saloon is a good approximation of the 1954 version (including a pipe organ**),
although the engine room seems a bit spartan, and not as logically laid out.
The diving suits win points for their fanciful, albeit cost-cutting design,
with stock scuba suits disguised by giant shells.
* Fun Fact #7: The model for the Nautilus was approximately ten
feet long. Sadly, it’s presumed lost.
** Fun Fact #6: In a callback to Disney’s film, Nemo plays Bach’s
ubiquitous piece, “Toccata and Fugue in D minor” (apparently the tune of choice
for megalomaniacs with pipe organs).
Mysterious Island pays lip service to having a bigger
message, with Nemo attributing all the problems of the world to hunger (his solution
is to create giant creatures and towering fields of wheat). It’s a simplistic
answer to a complex question, but we don’t really want to dig that deep, do we?
I’ve often referred to Harryhausen’s films as “Saturday matinee” material,
which isn’t intended as a pejorative jab. The intent of the filmmakers was
never about pondering the evils and ills of the world, but to provide an escape
for 90 minutes or so. Whether it’s in the theater or (considering recent
events) our living room, Mysterious Island whisks us away to a place
where our cares and fears vanish for the duration of the film – something we
could all use right now.