Saturday, March 27, 2021

Announcing the Christopher Lee Blogathon


The Christopher Lee Blogathon

Note: As my friends on Twitter can attest, it’s been a bit of a rough week, with my family’s beloved cat, Buster, missing. Despite this unfortunate setback, I have decided that “the show must go on,” so I can give everyone ample time for the following event…***QUICK UPDATE: Buster has been found, and is alive and well!*** 

Christopher Lee - Dracula

After a year-long blogathon hiatus, Yours Truly and blogging partner extraordinaire, Gill Jacob of Realweegiemidget Reviews, are hosting two (you read it right) blogathons in 2021. Although you’ll have to wait a little longer for the second announcement, today we’re officially unveiling the Christopher Lee Blogathon!

There are few character actors that have garnered the same level of respect and awe as Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee. With nearly 300(!) film and television credits to his name, Lee has lent his distinctive gravitas to virtually every genre: horror, science fiction, drama, comedy, musicals (yes, musicals!), you name it, he’s probably done it. Christopher Lee’s life encompassed much, much more than film. Descended from Italian royalty, the multilingual thespian served as a real-life World War II spy with Britain’s Special Operations Executive (SOE) (aka: the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare), and even recorded two heavy metal albums. …And that’s just for starters.

Christopher Lee - Scream of Fear

 Not sure where to start? You can find a list of Mr. Lee’s voluminous filmography HERE

Oh, and don’t let the “blog” in blogathon scare you. We will cheerfully accept submissions from your podcast, YouTube channel, Facebook/Instagram post, bawdy limericks, cave etchings, whatever. Still scratching your head for a topic? Feel free to reach out and bounce your idea off us. We promise not to bite (although I can’t vouch for Count Dracula)!

Christopher Lee - Gremlins 2

What: The Christopher Lee Blogathon 

Who: Hosted by Yours Truly (Barry P.) and Gill Jacob 

Where: Cinematic Catharsis and Realweegiemidget Reviews 

When: May 21-23, 2021 

How: Please read the rules below, and send me your post request (review, podcast, etc…) via email (, Twitter (@barry_cinematic), or by commenting below. You may also contact Gill by commenting on her post, or through her blog’s Contact Me page. Be sure to include your preferred name, along with your blog’s title.

Christopher Lee - Sleepy Hollow

The Rules… 

1.     You may review ANY of his film or TV appearances. Or if you want to review books or topics about him that’s fine with us as well.

2.     Because Mr. Lee has such a large number of appearances in his filmography, NO DUPLICATE MOVIE OR TV SHOW TITLES WILL BE ALLOWED. If a specific title has already been claimed, you may only include that title if it’s part of a list or retrospective review. If you choose to write about Christopher Lee, tell us what your topic will be. We won’t accept posts that are uncomplimentary or disrespectful to him.

3.     Review choices may be requested as a comment on this page or you may contact me through the methods listed above.

4.     Add your Twitter username so we can promote your post.

5.     A full list of blogs and review choices will be posted on a separate page and updated regularly.

6.     Only original, never-before-published posts will be accepted.

7.     Limit TWO blog posts per participant, please.

8.     Send a link of your post(s) to me or Gill on one of the days of the blogathon. Note: We will be publishing all links on both blogs.  

9.     Please also note: Gill and I have already claimed the following titles below: 

Barry at Cinematic Catharsis – The Pirates of Blood River (1962) 

Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews – The Devil Rides Out (1968)

Christopher Lee - The Lord of the Rings

One more thing:

If you plan to participate, or just want to show your support, please grab one of the following banners to display on your blog:

Christopher Lee Blogathon - The Devil Rides Out

The Christopher Lee Blogathon - To the Devil a Daughter


The Christopher Lee Blogathon - Dracula: Prince of Darkness

The Christopher Lee Blogathon - Dracula

We can’t wait to see your submissions. Put on your thinking caps, be creative, and above all, have fun!


Christopher Lee - The Man with the Golden Gun


  1. Hi Barry! I'm so glad you found Buster and he's safe and sound! Please sign me up for Island of the Burning Damned. Can't resist a good Lee-Cushing match-up, and I haven't watched it in years.

    1. Thanks, Brian! Needless to say, I feel as if a great weight has lifted. Hmm... This title is new to me! Looking forwared to reading your review. Thanks so much for joining the blogathon!

  2. Hi Barry - THANKS for hosting the blogathon, I am excited! Here is the link to my entry:

    1. Wonderful! I'll post the link on my Day 1 update on Friday. Thank you so much for participating! :)


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